François (Bernard) Vernadat

Born on December 1954

Retired, married

French and Canadian citizen

Lives in Vichy, France

Ranked among 2% World’s Top Scientists by Stanford University

Comité informatique interinstitutionnel, sub-group 'Information systems and PMO'



Research activities:

To date: Associate researcher, LGIPM, University of Lorraine, Metz, France


01/2008-06/2016: IT Administrator AD14, European Court of Auditors, L-1615 Luxemburg

      Responsibility: Head of Information Systems & Methods unit, Directorate of Information & Technologies (DIT)


10/2001-01/2008: IT Administrator, European Commission, DG DIGIT (Informatics), Luxemburg.

      Responsibility: Head of the Interoperability and Architecture section: Corporate Portal project; Commission Enterprise Architecture Framework (CEAF); Metis tool for EA/BPM (Business Process modelling)


10/1995-10/2001: Full Professor, University of Metz, France

Director of the Laboratory for Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Production (LGIPM). Head of Automation and Industrial Engineering group of LGIPM (20 persons).

Head of the MACSI research team (Modelling, Analysis and Control of Industrial Systems) of INRIA Lorraine, Metz (9 permanent members and 6 Ph.D. students).

ESPRIT projects AIT and OPAL. Two Growth projects on supply chains: V-CHAIN and ONE.


1988-1995: Research officer at Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA), France.

     Research areas: modelling, analysis and specification of integrated manufacturing systems, manufacturing information systems modelling and analysis, object-oriented systems, Petri nets, manufacturing plant layout design.

     Responsibilities: expert on CIM and pre-standardisation; AMICE ESPRIT contract on open systems architecture for CIM (CIMOSA); COALA ESPRIT contract on plant layout design; 6-month industrial mission for INRIA at PSA Peugeot Citroën.


1987: Visiting scientist at Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale et Intelligence Artificielle (LIFIA), INP Grenoble, France. Design of an intelligent supervisor for manufacturing job-shop control.


1981-1988: Research officer, National Research Council of Canada (NRCC), Institute for Intelligent Systems, Ottawa, K1A 0R8 Canada.

      Research areas: database technology and artificial intelligence techniques for Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), main-memory database management systems, information system design (M* methodology).

      Responsibilities: Project leader of the Engineering Information Systems (EIS) project from 1985 till 1988 (4 persons/year).


Scientific contribution: Over 300 publications in refereed scientific journals and conferences; contribution to 7 books (including Practice of Petri Nets in Manufacturing, Chapman & Hall, 1993 and Enterprise Modeling and Integration, Chapman & Hall, 1996); over 230 public talks delivered around the world.

Thesis supervisions: Contributed, mostly as scientific director, to the supervision of 15 PhD theses between 1988 and 2018.


Academic activities:

Since 2001: ENSAM (France) and University Polytechnic of Valencia (Spain): Enterprise Modelling Techniques

2001-2015: University of Savoie, Annecy (France): Enterprise Modelling Techniques

1995-2003: University of Metz, Faculty of sciences (France): automatic control, production management, industrial engineering, systems analysis techniques, enterprise modelling techniques

1989-1993: Ecole des Mines de Nancy (EMN), France: Databases and information systems in CIM

1983-1986: University of Quebec in Hull (UQAH), Canada: Programming; Database technology


Consulting and expert evaluations:

European Commission: Expert for EC DG III (ESPRIT CIM) and then DG INFSO; Canada: NSERG, FCAR, ICAM Technologies, Pratt & Whitney, NRCC; France: HP, DISPRA, Matra-Datavision, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault, Michelin, S.M.A.E., Predict; UK: EPSRC




Obtained from University of Clermont-Ferrand, France:

      – B. Sc. in Mathematics and Physics – 1975

      – M.Sc. in Electronics, Electrotechnics and Automatic Control- 1979

      – Ph.D. in Electronics and Automatic Control – 14 Sept. 1981:

            Thesis title: Computer-Aided Analysis of Dynamic Linear Systems (Supervisor Dr. Marc Richetin)


Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR): Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, May 31, 1994: Contributions to manufacturing systems modelling and integration



      1980: European course on Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, March 17-28, Bordeaux, France.

     1987: Specialisation on Artificial Intelligence techniques at LIFIA, France.



     – French (mother tongue)

     – English (fluency in writing, speaking and reading)

     – German, Italian, Spanish (basics)




      – Performance indicators and Performance Management Systems (PMS)

      – Enterprise Modelling; Modelling, analysis, evaluation and reengineering of enterprise systems (industrial systems, administrations): SADT, IDEF Method, CIMOSA, GRAI, Petri nets

      – Enterprise Integration and Interoperability/Integration platforms (CORBA, J2EE); Data exchange formats (EDI, STEP, HTML, XML); Ontologies in manufacturing

      – Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (CIMOSA, PERA, Zachman Framework, CEAF)

      – Enterprise Portal and Internet/Intranet/Extranet technologies; HTML/XML; SOAP

      – Information systems design and analysis (ARIS, MERISE, M*, OMT, UML, BPMN)

      – Artificial intelligence and expert system techniques; genetic algorithms

      – Computer programming in Java, PASCAL, C, C++ under Unix and Windows




      * Committees:

      – International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC): Former responsibilities 1996-2001:

            – Vice-chairman of the Technical Committee on Architectures for Enterprise Integration (TC-MIA)

            – Vice-chairman of the Technical Committee on Manufacturing Modelling, Management & Control (TC-MIM)

      – IFAC/IFIP Task Force on Architectures for Integrated Enterprises: Vice-chairman 1993-1999

      – European Standardisation Committee (CEN) and ISO/TC 184/SC5 on Industrial Automation


      * Editorial board responsibilities of scientific journals:

    International Journal of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (Consulting editor), Computers in Industry (Associate editor), International Journal of Production Research (Associate editor), International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (Associate editor), Computers and Industrial Engineering (Area editor), Journal of Industrial Information Integration (Associate editor), Robotics & Computer Integrated Manufacturing


      * Professional associations: former member of ACM, IEEE, IFAC, IFIP.


      * Scientific responsibilities: Chairman of the Advisory Board of MOSIM and IESM conferences until 2022.

    – Chairman of the European Workshop IMSE’94 (Grenoble, 1994), vice-chairman of the International Conferences CARs & FOF’92 (Metz, 1992), IEPM’93 (Mons, 1993), IEPM’95 (Marrakech, 1995), IESM 2019 (Shanghai).

   – Organising committee of IFAC INCOM’98 (Nancy-Metz, June 1998), vice-chairman of MCPL’2000 (Grenoble), vice-chairman of Congress of Industrial Engineering 2001, chairman of the scientific committee of MOSIM’01, IEPM’03, MOSIM 2008 (Paris), MOSIM 2020 (Essaouira).




      Hobbies: Travels, golf, photography, geology and mineralogy, botanising